Manganese is a multi-valent element, with its oxidation states varying in different media: Mn2? (pink), Mn3? (deep red), Mn?? (black), Mn?? (blue), Mn?? (green), and Mn?? (purple). In neutral water bodies, manganese primarily exists as Mn2?. As a heavy metal pollutant, manganese also serves as an important resource, particularly when its concentration in water is high. In such cases, Europe recommends a resource recovery and deep removal approach—efficient precipitation CP combined with chemical methods—to achieve water purification. This involves adding appropriate chemical agents to induce chemical precipitation, forming insoluble or sparingly soluble manganese compounds, which can then be recovered as a resource. (Note: Mn(OH)? precipitates are prone to oxidation, forming brown flocculent MnO(OH)?/H?MnO?. These have excellent oxygen-carrying properties, large specific surface areas, and can adsorb various ions, facilitating oxidation-reduction reactions, and effectively removing color and COD. MnCO? precipitates can be utilized as manganese ore, rust removers, desulfurization catalysts, welding rod material, and feed additives.)
The M+FLO Magnetic Flocculation + Chemical Method for Deep Manganese Removal Water Purification System is an advanced version of the European efficient precipitation CP and chemical method, distinguished by:
1.A TTmix Turbine/Flow Guide Cylinder High-Cycle Intensified Reactor, which significantly enhances chemical manganese removal reaction efficiency and accelerates the rapid aggregation and crystallization of precipitates.
2.The adoption of M+FLO Magnetic Flocculation Sedimentation instead of efficient precipitation CP, greatly improving flocculation and water purification performance and efficiency. This system not only enables resource recovery of manganese from wastewater but also meets deep removal standards (manganese concentration < 0.1 mg/L).
The process flow of the M+FLO Magnetic Flocculation + Chemical Method for Deep Manganese Removal Water Purification System is as follows:
High manganese-containing wastewater is fed into the TTmix high-circulation enhanced reactor, where a manganese-removal agent is added and reaction parameters are controlled to efficiently generate precipitate particles that rapidly coagulate and crystallize. The treated water then flows into the M+FLO magnetic flocculation water purification system for efficient magnetic flocculation and sedimentation clarification, ensuring the effluent meets stringent deep manganese removal standards (manganese content <0.1 mg/L) while enabling resource recovery of the manganese precipitate.
Performance and Advantages of the M+FLO Magnetic Flocculation + Chemical Method Deep Manganese Removal Water Purification System:
High Efficiency and Deep Manganese Removal: Effluent manganese content <0.1 mg/L, Suspended Solids (SS) <5.0 mg/L, Turbidity <1.0 NTU.
TTmix High-Circulation Intensified Reactor: Significantly enhances chemical precipitation reaction efficiency and accelerates coagulation/crystallization rates.
M+FLO Magnetic Flocculation Sedimentation: Replaces conventional efficient sedimentation (CP), substantially improving flocculation water purification performance and efficiency.
Compared to the widely used European CP+chemical method for manganese removal and recovery, this system offers higher treatment efficiency and performance, along with advantages such as lower investment costs, reduced operational expenses, and PLC intelligent automatic control operation.
Typical Applications of the M+FLO Magnetic Flocculation + Chemical Method Deep Manganese Removal Water Purification System:
Removal of manganese from mining and ore selection wastewater or drinking water sources.
Manganese removal in wastewater from metallurgy, steel, and other industrial sectors.
Manganese removal in pharmaceutical wastewater.
Case Study of the M+FLO Magnetic Flocculation + Chemical Method Deep Manganese Removal Water Purification System:
The Ningxia Multi-Dimensional Group in the biopharmaceutical industry generates 6,000 cubic meters of wastewater daily, including 2,100 cubic meters of high-manganese wastewater (manganese content = 260 mg/L). The M+FLO system was integrated before the adjustment tank to pre-treat and remove manganese, with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and carbon dioxide (CO2) added to form MnCO3 precipitate. The M+FLO system achieved effluent manganese content <0.6 mg/L (meeting the design target of <1.0 mg/L) and facilitated resource recovery of MnCO3 precipitate for use as a feed additive.
NOTES: M+FLO-LDH magnetic flocculation + chemical desalination and softening water treatment system combines the addition of chemical agents such as Ca(OH)?, LDH, CO?, etc., effectively removing sulfate, silicate, total salts, and calcium and magnesium hardness. The generated LDH calcium composite salts are non-polluting inorganic minerals and can be recycled as raw materials for mining, metallurgy, or cement production. The M+FLO-LDH system is suitable for efficient and economical desalination and softening treatment of industrial wastewater or circulating water discharge. Its performance and advantages include: total salt removal efficiency ~70%, total dissolved solids (TDS) < 1000 mg/L, Cl? < 150 mg/L, SO?2? < 150 mg/L, SiO? < 5.0 mg/L, hardness < 50 mg/L, turbidity < 1.0 NTU. The cost per ton of water treatment is approximately 1.0 to 3.0 yuan (mainly related to the amount of anions removed). Compared to conventional pretreatment (de-sedimentation/softening) + reverse osmosis membrane desalination + evaporation crystallization technology (general type), it has significant advantages such as simple process, lower investment, lower operating costs, and intelligent automatic control. However, the desalination depth is less than that of reverse osmosis (RO/DTRO).