The raw water in water treatment plants contains a variety of organic and inorganic pollutants, including suspended solids, colloids, dissolved substances, as well as bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. The purification process typically involves mixed flocculation, sedimentation, sand filtration, and disinfection. Most pollutants, especially those under strict control, are discharged along with the sludge water and backwash water from the filters. The added water purification agents combine with the insoluble pollutants to form flocs, which then settle and separate from the water.
The sludge water from water treatment plants usually refers to the discharge from sedimentation tanks and backwash water from filters, accounting for approximately 4%-7% of the influent volume. The concentrations of suspended solids, COD, TOC, Fe, Mn, Al, and other substances in this sludge water are significantly higher than in the raw water. Direct discharge of this sludge water into nearby rivers can severely pollute water bodies and the environment. Typically, the treatment of sludge water includes: ① recovery and concentration, ② purification and reuse of the supernatant, and ③ sludge dewatering and disposal. Direct reuse of the supernatant (pumped back to the distribution well) can lead to increased turbidity in the raw water, higher coagulant consumption, and excessive levels of metal ions such as iron and manganese, as well as turbidity and microorganisms like Cryptosporidium. Currently, the reuse of sludge water often involves the use of high-efficiency sedimentation tanks to purify the supernatant from the sludge concentration tanks. However, this method requires large land area, significant chemical consumption, and often results in suboptimal water quality. Returning the treated water to the raw water well increases the load on coagulation, sedimentation, and sand filtration, leading to increased volumes of sludge water and backwash water. The M+FLO magnetic flocculation water purification system is a revolutionary alternative to conventional flocculation clarifiers like high-efficiency sedimentation tanks. It can deeply remove fine suspended solids, phosphorus, oils, colloids, and microorganisms such as algae. After treatment with the M+FLO magnetic flocculation sedimentation process (see the attached standard flow diagram), the effluent quality far exceeds the standards for drinking water sources (GB3838-2002). The dewatered sludge is transported to solid waste treatment facilities.
The M+FLO magnetic flocculation sedimentation process demonstrates significantly higher efficiency compared to conventional coagulation sedimentation, sand filtration, microfiltration, fiber disc filtration, and air flotation. In drinking water treatment plants, replacing traditional large-scale coagulation sedimentation tanks with M+FLO magnetic flocculation sedimentation tanks (as seen in the new drinking water plant process) results in effluent water quality with turbidity levels below 1 NTU and other indicators far exceeding the limits set by the GB5749-2006 drinking water quality standards. This process substantially reduces the load on subsequent filtration systems and the need for backwashing (with filters primarily serving as a safety measure), thereby eliminating the generation of large volumes of sludge water. The sludge separated by magnetic treatment can be directly dewatered without the need for further concentration. Additionally, the addition of Ca(OH)? and Na?CO? can effectively remove calcium, magnesium, silicon, and heavy metals, while powdered activated carbon can eliminate pesticides, phenols, ABS, TOC, bacteria, viruses, odors, and color.
The advantages of M+FLO magnetic flocculation technology are as follows:
1.Enhanced Removal Efficiency and Superior Water Quality: It achieves deep pollutant removal, significantly improving the quality of treated water and greatly reducing the load on subsequent treatment processes.
2.Short System Retention Time and Compact Footprint: The system requires minimal space and has a short retention time, leading to reduced engineering investment.
3.Low Energy Consumption and Reduced Chemical Usage: It operates with low electricity consumption and minimizes the need for chemical additives.
4.Intelligent Automatic Control and Unattended Operation: The system features smart automation, eliminating the need for manual supervision.
Water Quality Standard for Drinking Water Sources (GB3838-2002) and Drinking Water Quality Standard (GB5749-2006)